Name: Puja Kundu
Title: Senior Animator
Department: Animation
In the industry: 7 years
With Technicolor Games: 2 years
First Game worked on: Gotham Knights
You will face many defeats in life, but never let yourself be defeated” by Maya Angelou, keeps me inspired
Drawing and painting have always been Puja’s passions, so she always knew that her career had to go in this direction from the first time she picked up a paintbrush.
How did your career begin?
My career began with episodic animation and I moved to the games industry due to my personal interest in games and realistic movements.
What is your most memorable moment /project working at Technicolor Games?
Getting the opportunity to work on Gotham Knights, a fantastic AAA title, this was an amazing scope of learning and growth for me. It was challenging, exciting and everything I could hope for when beginning my career in games animation.
What is it like working at Technicolor Games?
Technicolor Games always has a great variety of projects going on, and hence it provides us with the opportunity to explore and learn different styles of work.
What are you excited about for the future?
I’m very excited to explore and increase my knowledge, particularly with my mentors and peers’ influence and the diverse projects we’re offered.
What advice could you give to someone wanting to join the industry?
Remember to ask for help and you can go a long way!
Puja (A.K.A. Rangoli) is a passionate animator who has yielded positive results in all the projects she has contributed to. Puja has always been persistent and hard working reaching a high quality benchmark and eager to learn more; the team truly appreciates her good work. With her consistent positive attitude, I am sure Puja will continue to reach heights in the industry. We are proud to have her as a part of the team and wish her good luck for the rest of her career.
Guruprasad Kochu Krishnan (Sr. Animation Supervisor)
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